Main » 2013 » September » 12 » More info on 2014 Competetion
5:01 AM
More info on 2014 Competetion

1) pick team name

2) pick 7 drivers (i will have categories for you to pick from)
3) follow each driver through the season
4) Shootout and All star race will be in this but no points awarded
5) I will have write ups of each driver so you know about them.  Search name of driver with my search engine and read about them)
6)point systems as follows:
1st place finish: 43 points
2nd place finish: 42 points
3rd place finish: 41 points
4th place finish: 40 points
this pattern continues as stated above
42nd place finish: 2 points
43rd place finish: 1 point
If a driver is given a penalty by NASCAR a number of points will be deducted based on the severity of issue.
Which ever team has the most points at the end of the season will win the Cup
The Chase will be in effect.  If a driver makes the chase you get points.  if a driver isn't in the chase you still get points but in order to win the cup you have to have a driver in the chase.
All rules are subject to change
Category: APSCO Series | Views: 402 | Added by: Matt | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 1
1 Jordan  
Not a bad idea - but if you want to you could just create a fantasy nascar league on yahoo - it does basically the same thing. It will just do the math work for you.

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